Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hair re-dye!

Today hangout with both sweetheart, watched 'Motorway'(车手) , very nice!, the guy actor very endao..hahaha..We went to have some desserts too ! And Japanese foods! tsk tsk, how can my diet plan works in this way leh? ;(

After that, I went to cut my hair and redye my hair..Have to cut my hair eventhough not really willing to caz malaysia is just too hot..Im like a sweating-machine at Malaysia, every morning wake up sweating .LOL.But it's okay, hair will grows .haha!!* only way to comfort myself * ;P



No much different actually, just my hairlength is way more shorter now. But I look more younger now! wee=D And I red ye my hair caz previous hair colour totally unbalanced.. You can't really tell the hair colour from the pic..haha
Mum says I should cut fringe..Maybe will cut it before I go back to Aussie. 

hehe! At last A pic of queeny and me! 

Bed time for princess queeny and movie time for me! ;)
Night everybody.XOXO 

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